Arturo Alessandri Rodríguez Faculty Room

The Faculty Room is an emblematic place of the patrimonial building. It is the venue for a variety of academic and administrative activities, since it serves as a meeting place for the Faculty Council and the School Council of the Faculty. Both instances are part of the university government, which is constituted by collegiate authorities, composed of academics elected by their peers, together with the Dean and his team, which is the unipersonal authority that directs the Faculty in four-year periods.

Another function of this space is the taking of licensure exams, the holding of academic meetings and seminars, among others. The distinctive feature of the space is the collection of paintings of former deans donated by their families upon their death. In the central arrangement is Andrés Bello, first rector of the Universidad de Chile and the most important jurist in the history of Chile, in the company of deans Mariana Egaña and Canon Juan Francisco Meneses, first and second in office, respectively.

Relevant pictures Faculty Hall



Mariano Egaña Fabres (left side of Andrés Bello) Son of Juan Egaña.

He participated in the drafting of the Constitution of 1833 and was the first dean. He invited Andrés Bello to Chile.

Juan Francisco Meneses (right side of Andrés Bello)

Last Rector of the University of San Felipe and second Dean of the Faculty of Law.

Arturo Alessandri Rodríguez

Prominent civilian of the 20th century. The Pío Nono building was built during his administration.

Juvenal Hernández Jaque

Last lawyer rector of the Universidad de Chile, he created several faculties and institutions, promoting the reform of the Organic Statute of the Universidad de Chile in 1931.

José Clemente Fabres

Prominent civil lawyer of the 19th century. First Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Gabriel Ocampo Herrera

Writer of the Code of Commerce. His painting is also in the teachers' lounge.

Máximo Pacheco Gómez

Last Dean before the dictatorship, exonerated in 1974.

Mario Mosquera Ruiz

First Dean elected after the return to democracy.
